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Vladimir Kush


Regular price $117.00 CAD
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The purpose of this book is to be a guide to the artist's journey, and to expose the mythical-poetical background on which art bearing the VK emblem can be most easily observed. Since this book probes common themes from a variety of cultures and languages, both ancient and contemporary, many translated works are presented here. With all translations including the Kush poetry that was originally written in Russian, it has been our intent to be as true to the original as possible. 

It is necessary to note that the art contained in this book came first; the commentary and all else followed. 


Oleg Kush, Alexander Kush, Mikhail Kush, Alan Isbell, Cathy Frye and Maxim Kompaneets. 

Vladimir and Oleg Kush, 2002


Publisher: Kush Fine Art
Dimensions: 10 x 12 x 6/8 inches
Pages: 171
ISBN: 0-9765298-0-7